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Reduce Fire Station Door Strikes with Zero Strike System Inc

A Distributor Case Study by BEA

Zero Strike System Inc. develops warning indication system to reduce fire station bay door strikes

BEA Division – Industrial Automation Solutions
Industry Market – High Speed Industrial Doors
BEA Customer – Zero Strike System Inc.
BEA Product(s) – LZR®-I30, LASER scanner for industrial door & gate safety


Zero Strike System Inc., founded by Florida Dock and Door, located in Tamarac, Florida provides the South Florida region with a state-of-the-art detection system designed to enhance safety on and around commercial doors.


When responding to emergency calls, a firefighter’s goal is to reach the incident as quickly and safely as possible. At times, rushing for a low response rate leads to fire trucks striking the overhead door, which can result in costly damages to both the door and vehicle. A limited line of sight, coupled with the urgency of the situation and obstacles around the door, can make passing safely through the door a challenge.


Florida Dock and Door, who responds to more than 35 door-strikes each year, developed the Zero Strike System to combat these accidents. The UL 325 compliant warning indication system has greatly reduced instances of fire station door strikes, while also enhancing pedestrian safety around the door. Zero Strike System’s control box operates a highly visible, 10-foot LED strip and BEA’s LZR-I30 sensor. The LZR-I30 creates a three-dimensional safety zone that monitors the area around the door and works in tandem with the vertically mounted LED strip.

The LED strip flashes red if the door is in motion and flashes blue indicating various interferences including objects in the doorframe, persons near the opening or loss of power. If it is solid green,
the door is safe to pass through. The multiple color indications provide a consistent, clear signal that informs the firemen of the door’s status as they pass through.


Starting in late 2015, Zero Strike System Inc. has upgraded more than 200 fire station doors with the Zero Strike System in Broward and Palm Beach Counties in Florida. To date, out of those serviced, only one bay door incident has been reported.

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