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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I program for no delay?

Push and hold the “no delay” learn button for 2 seconds. The red LED should illuminate on the receiver. Next, press the transmitter (or push plate) 2 or 3 times. The blue LED on the receiver should blink and the door should open.

How do I program for delay?

Turn the “delay” potentiometer full counter-clockwise. Push and hold the “delay” Learn button for 2 seconds. The red LED should illuminate on the receiver. Next, press the transmitter (or push plate) 2 or 3 times. The blue LED on the receiver should blink and the door should open. Finally, adjust the “delay” potentiometer for desired delay.

The red LED is flickering on the receiver.

There is a push plate stuck, incorrect wiring (N.C.), or a faulty transmitter. Remove batteries, one transmitter at a time, until the red LED stops blinking. If all batteries are removed and the red LED is blinking there may be interference issues in that location. You will need to install at a different frequency.

How do I erase all of the transmitters?

Push and hold both Learn buttons until blue LED illuminates.

How do I erase just one transmitter?

Push and hold both Learn buttons until the red LED starts blinking (~ 1 second), and then push the button twice within 10 seconds on the transmitter you want to erase.

What type of batteries are used in the hand-held transmitters?

3V CR2032

What is the difference between the STD and EH mode?

EH stands for Extended Hold. If the transmitter is pressed and held, the receiver will remain active until transmitter is released. The receiver countdown timer will start on release of transmitter.

STD stands for Standard. The transmitter acts as a momentary switch and, even if pressed and held, will begin the countdown timer immediately.

Can I use the receiver to release a Maglock or Electric Strike?

They are not intended for direct use; a BR3-X must be used to carry the electric load of the Maglock or Electric Strike. The receiver can be used to trigger the BR3-X.

How many transmitters can be programed to a receiver?

433 MHz = max. 100 transmitters

900 MHz = max. 74 transmitters

What is the clear line of sight range?

433 MHz = ~150 feet

900 MHz = ~500 feet

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