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BEA Podcasts Making Sense Of Automation

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Episode 2: Microwave Technology and Automatic Doors

Technology varies in sensing automation, from infrared to microwave to LASER-based Time-of-Flight. It can be challenging to keep up with the nuances and ideal applications for each. Microwave motion technology is commonly used in food distribution, car dealerships and pharmaceutical clean rooms, to name a few. Join us and our guest, Jim Cavers, as we discuss how to train employees and combat interferences of microwave motion technology.

Topics covered include:

  • Terminology for commercial overhead doors
  • Different ways to use motion sensors in industrial settings
  • What to consider before installing sensors



“By the time you get to that safety, you’ve already hit the door. So we talk really heavily on how do we get lights as indicators to tell people what the door is doing… But how do we get safety away from the threshold? That’s the main thing I think when we started talking sensors and doors. We’re always talking safety away from the threshold, and when people can see it, it’s a no brainer. They all want it.”
– Jim, Service Manager


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