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BEA Podcasts Making Sense of Automation

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Episode 5: Codes & Standards: What Does it Mean for Industrial Doors & Commercial Gates

Laws, building codes and standards shape how safe and efficient industries operate. But it can get confusing when trying to decipher the difference and the implications of each. For industrial doors and commercial gates, UL 325 and the International Building Code play a crucial role in determining best practices when completing an installation.

Join us as Jeff Dunham, BEA’s Codes & Standards Manager, guides us through the nuances and necessity of standards and building codes for industrial doors and commercial gates.

Topics covered include:

  • Basic understanding of building codes and standards
  • Review of prevailing or legally binding document(s)
  • Breakdown explaining installation height of photo eyes
  • Why the placement of an gate opener is a safety concern


“In the United States, we typically have three factors that we consider when we’re looking at the performance of the system and product liability. Laws, codes, standards, that’s the order of operations so to speak, and depending on what is available, whichever one you have is going to be the legally binding document.”
– Jeff Dunham, Codes & Standards Manager


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