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BEA Podcasts Making Sense of Automation

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Episode 6: Decoding UL 325 & Entrapment Protection Requirements (Part 1)

Whether in a fast-paced environment or utilizing heavy equipment or accessing points in a secure location, we’re faced with potential dangers. Codes and standards exist to help protect pedestrians and these types of settings from unnecessary harm.

Join UL’s Steve Kuscsik as we discuss the UL 325 standard and entrapment protection requirements. We will break down this standard and the intricate safety aspects to help you navigate in the field.

Topics covered include:

  • What is a Standard, and what does UL 325 cover?
  • The three areas of entrapment protection for residential garage door operators
  • Smart technology & unattended operation for residential garage door openers
  • The mounting height of a photo-eye for residential or commercial overhead garage doors
  • Why monitored external entrapment devices are required for commercial door operators


“The standard does cover different types of commercial and industrial door systems, so it’s not just the overhead sectional door that you might see at an oil change place or a car dealership, but it covers dock doors, folding doors, high-performance doors, rolling doors, quite a few different door types and door operators that run those doors.”
– Steve Kuscsick, Principal Engineers Manager at UL


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