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BEA Podcasts Making Sense Of Automation

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Episode 4: AAADM Door Inspections in Hospitals

Automatic pedestrian doors provide access control, improve accessibility and traffic flow, provide convenience, and assist in energy costs. But there’s more to it than choosing and installing the right door system. Andrew Anderson, an AAADM-Certified Inspector at Roy C., Inc., will walk us through how to maintain a door for long-term operation and industry-standard safety practices.

Topics covered include:

  • Applying A156.10 and A156.19
  • Inspecting with a safety-first mindset
  • Setting up the end-user for success


When thinking about all types of swing doors, double egress or even sliding doors, which type of doorway do you think sees the most abuse, would it be a low energy or a fully automatic or something different?

β€œβ€¦In healthcare, I would think it’s probably the dual egress doors. It may not even be that the operators, the abused part, but it’s the whole opening itself. Trying to make an operator run smoothly requires the door frame to be plumb and square. It’s going to maximize efficiency, but I think in terms of high-traffic use, is it a hundred cycles a day or a thousand type of thing? I would think that in the hospitals it would be more dual egress and main entrances. ”

– Andrew, AAADM Certified Door Inspector


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