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BEA Podcasts Making Sense of Automation

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Episode 9: Beyond Low-Energy Doors: Setting Up for Success in Security & Egress Applications

Low-energy operated doors allow individuals with limited mobility to access or exit a building more easily. For a successful installation, a technician must account for building codes, industry-standard safety practices, and the needs of the facility. Join us as we speak with Mike Knowlton, President of Paradise Doors. We’ll discuss common requests, balancing functionality with demands and breakdown of security & egress applications.

Topics covered include:

  • Difference between Power-Assist, Low Energy & Full Power Operators
  • How to balance the functionality & building code requirements of low-energy operated doors
  • Breakdown of security & means of egress applications


“It kind of goes back to what the customer’s looking for versus what we can do and stay within ANSI standards or ADA. So we try to work with people as best we can to let them know what we can and can’t do. And that’s really what it comes down to. Is finding a happy medium and make sure everybody comes out of it happy.”
– Mike Knowlton, President, Paradise Doors


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