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BEA Podcasts Making Sense of Automation

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Bonus Episode: Advances in Door Automation

In this bonus episode, BEA’s industrial and vehicle solutions Segment Manager, Mike Fowler, discusses the advancements of industrial door technology with Jon Schumacher of Rite-Hite Doors. Learn how to understand the factors that go into leveraging automated doors in various facilities, such as door automation basics, the rise of safety regulations, and what it means to go beyond the opening and closing function.

This session originally aired on “Advances in Door Automation” by Rite From The Source.

“When you fix a problem, whether it’s with a door or with a sensor, it’s very repeatable. We oftentimes ask to outfit the most challenging door in a facility as a proof of concept, and if you can fix the hardest door, then you can fix the rest of them, generally.”

– Mike Fowler, Segment Manager, Industrial Automation Solutions & Vehicle Sensing Solutions


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