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Episode 7: Decoding UL 325 & Entrapment Protection Requirements (Part 2)

Whether in a fast-paced environment or utilizing heavy equipment or accessing points in a secure location, we’re faced with potential dangers. Codes and standards exist to help protect pedestrians and these types of settings from unnecessary harm.

Join UL’s Steve Kuscsik as we discuss the UL 325 standard and entrapment protection requirements. We will break down this standard and the intricate safety aspects to help you navigate in the field.

Topics covered include:

  • Understanding entrapment zones and entrapment protection for gate operators
  • When is external entrapment protection required?
  • A look into the different tests required to receive UL recognition


“How do I determine which [external device] is right? So the answer is no, you can’t just use anyone that’s on the market. You really need to read the instruction manual that comes with the operator to say, which one did they have tested? Or which ones or which family of products did they have tested. ”
– Steve Kuscsick, Principal Engineers Manager at UL


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