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BEA Discussion Sessions


Making Sense of Automation

Live discussions addressing challenges & resources in the automatic door industry.

Join BEA’s field experts as they interview guests and dive deep into the world of automation. Our live webinar offers attendees insider access and an opportunity to address questions. From retail, healthcare and industrial environments, Making Sense of Automation gives a refreshing take on the automatic door industry. Register below for upcoming sessions or join us on via our company LinkedIn page.

Listen to the Making Sense of Automation Podcast:

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  Introduction to Making Sense of Automation

  EP 1: Adapting Door Automation in Healthcare Facilities

  EP 2: Microwave Technology & Automatic Doors

  EP 3: Challenges in Warehouse Facilities

  EP 4: AAADM Door Inspections in Hospitals

  EP 5: Codes & Standards: What Does it Mean for Industrial Doors & Commercial Gates

  EP 6: Decoding UL 325 & Entrapment Protection Requirements (Part 1)

  EP 7: Decoding UL 325 & Entrapment Protection Requirements (Part 2)

   Bonus Episode: Pittsburgh Robotics Spotlight

   EP 9: Beyond Low-Energy Doors: Setting Up for Success in Security & Egress Applications

   Bonus Episode: Advances in Door Automation

Also available on the following platforms:

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