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Frequently Asked Questions



What types of face plates come with the CYLINDRICAL UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STRIKE?

There are 3 face plates available for most door types: hollow metal, aluminum, and wood.

How deep of a latch throw will the CYLINDRICAL UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STRIKE accommodate?

1/2 inch to 5/8 inch latch throw.

Is the CYLINDRICAL UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STRIKE field selectable for fail safe/fail secure?


Can I power ELECTRIC STRIKES with AC or DC, 12 or 24 volts?

Yes. There are two jumpers supplied.

  • 12 VDC and 12 to 24 VAC
  • 24 VDC

Why does the ELECTRIC STRIKE release, but does not buzz?

Replace the power supply with a correct voltage AC power supply and the 12 V connector. If this cannot be done, the PIEZO buzzer can be installed.

Why does the ELECTRIC STRIKE make a buzzing sound?

This is a voltage issue. The ELECTRIC STRIKE requires a 12 to 24 VDC power supply. If using an AC power supply, ensure UL294 or as local codes mandate; otherwise, a rectifier may be installed.

Is the RIM EXIT ELECTRIC STRIKE rated for continuous duty?

Yes, but only when powered by 12 or 24 VDC.

What is “continuous duty”?

Powered for longer than 1 minute at a time.

What is the function of the 2 locking screws on the RIM EXIT ELECTRIC STRIKE?

The locking screws lock the device in place after all adjustments have been made and proper operation has been verified.

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