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Table of specifications

Detection Mode

typical response time: < 200 ms (max: 500 ms)


Active infrared with background analysis
Spot: 2” × 2” (typ)
Number of spots: max. 24 per curtain
Number of curtains: 2

Mounting Height

6’6” – 11’6”
local regulations may impact acceptable mounting height
(pedestrian applications only)

Sensor temperature range:

-13 – 131 °F *
0 – 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
LCD screen is operational from 14 – 131 °F.
The sensor may still be programmed in colder temperatures, but with the remote control.

Relay 1
Relay 2

Electromechanical relay (potential and polarity free)
Max. contact current: 1 A
Max. contact voltage: 30 VAC
Adjustable hold time: 0.5 – 9 s
Solid-state relay (potential and polarity free)
Max. contact current: 100 mA
Max. contact voltage: 42 VDC / 30 VAC

Test/Monitoring input:

Low: < 1 V
High: > 10 V (max. 30 V)
Response time on test request: typical < 5 ms

Supply Voltage

12 – 24 VAC ±10%
12 – 30 VDC ±10%
to be operated from SELV-compatible power supplies only

Power Consumption

< 2.5 W


< 70 dB

Degree of Protection


Norm Conformity

ISO 13849 PL «c» CAT. 2
(under the condition that the door control system
monitors the sensor at least once per door cycle)

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