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Frequently Asked Questions

Can the R2E-100 be mounted on any door?

No, the R2E-100 has a maximum range of 48″ (from the lever/knob) and cannot be installed on a door 8′ or taller.

Does the R2E-100 have a UL rating?

Yes. UL294 (standard for access control systems).

Is there a need to use MOVs or diodes to protect the two form-C relays in the R2E-100?

No. The R2E-100 has built-in surge protection on both relays.

Can I also connect a request-to-exit sensor to the R2E-100?

Yes. There is an input for a dry-contact, normally open, REX sensor.

Why is the orange LED flashing?

Because the sensor or any of its enabled inputs has been in detection for longer than 10 seconds.

Can the R2E-100 be used for fail-safe or fail-secure applications?

Yes. DIP switch 1 chooses fail-safe or fail-secure if the sensor is stuck in constant detection.

How do I integrate a card reader with an R2E-100?

Enable card reader (N.C.) input via DIP switch 6. Connect a dry-contact, normally closed, access control device to the blue and blue/white wires.

Is there a tamper alarm for the access control input?

Yes. It is enabled using DIP switch 7.

Can I set the R2E-100 to not re-lock until door is actually closed?

Yes. Set DIP switch 2 to door position mode and connect a N.O. door position switch to the brown and brown/white wires.

Can I use the R2E-100 on a drive-through window?

Yes. The detection range is adjustable from 20″ to 48″; although, you may want to consider our FOCUS or FOCUS 2 sensor.

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