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BEA Trainings


AAADM Training

BEA’s Trainers are AAADM Certified Trainers and host AAADM certification courses monthly.

BEA is certified by the American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers (AAADM) to provide certification training for installers and service technicians. AAADM Training is designed to improve and promote safety in automatic doors.

The American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers (AAADM), provide certification training as AAADM Certified Inspectors through its member companies, BEA Inc. The course is for installers and service technicians and is designed to improve and promote safe practices in the automatic door industry.

Per AAADM, “a candidate must have either worked in the automatic pedestrian industry for six (6) months immediately preceding application or worked in the automatic pedestrian door industry for at least 90 days and has taken the factory training course of an AAADM member.”

BEA hosts AAADM Certification classes at its Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania location. If your technicians are not AAADM certified or have not been certified on the latest ANSI Standards, be sure to inquire about a class below or contact Customer Service at [email protected].

Agenda and Information:

  • Learn the latest safety standards and become certified for ANSI 156.10, 156.19 and 156.38
  • Training is two (2) days with a test on Day 2
  • Lunch and snacks are included each day

Application and Payment:

  • $350 per applicant includes: Instruction, Training Manual and Test
  • Payments for certification can be made through the AAADM Payment Portal. You are required to show receipt of payment to attend the class.
  • Email a copy of your AAADM certification payment receipt to [email protected]. Please reference the name and company information you provided on your AAADM Training Inquiry submission below.

The AAADM Application and Certified Inspector License Agreement is now digitally online and can be 100% completed via computer. Provide the following information in the “Message” field of the Inquiry Form below to get started.

  • Each applicant name and email alias
  • Company officer name and email alias

Once the above info is received, BEA will prep the form and send to the applicant email alias via DocuSign. The applicant will be required to fill in all their portion. Once the applicant completes the form it will then be routed to signer #2, the company officer. Once that is completed the form is now complete and will be accepted. All applications and license agreement must be completed before attending an AAADM Class.


Pittsburgh Airport Marriott*
777 Aten Road
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412-490-6604
Contact: Michelle Ciaramella | Business Travel Sales Manager
Email: [email protected]

*Be sure ask for the BEA Training Rate that has been negotiated with the hotel ($154 Plus Applicable Tax) when calling. Rates include a shuttle service available to and from Airport/Hotel. Shuttle services can be arranged at the hotel front desk or called while at the airport.




Upcoming Schedule
  • Thursday, April 10, Friday, April 11,
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday, June 12, Friday, June 13,
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday, August 14, Friday, August 15,
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday, October 16, Friday, October 17,
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday, December 4, Friday, December 5,
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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