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BEA Trainings


Product Webinars

BEA offers weekly online webinars on specific BEA products. Sign up to participate in a scheduled training or contact us to schedule a private webinar for your team.

BEA’s product webinars offer educational presentations covering applications, technology understanding and detailed technical know-how. We offer 45-minute training sessions various times throughout the day to accommodate your schedule or location. Sign up to participate in a scheduled training or contact us to schedule a private webinar for your team.

Training line up
Knowing Act Devices

Knowing Act refers to the activation of an automatic door by means of pressing a switch with the intent of opening the door. These devices are common in offices, healthcare facilities and other public buildings. From wireless transmission to traditional push plates and touchless actuators, BEA offers a diverse portfolio of Knowing Act devices that improve the accessibility in, out and through a building.

This webinar will cover:

  • Knowing Act overview
  • Common applications
  • BEA Knowing Act products

BEA’s LZR-I30 is a LASER-based Time-of-Flight sensor. The product configuration provides four LASER-based curtains offering a three dimensional safety zone.

The sensor is designed for the detection of people and vehicles, in both indoor and outdoor environments. Its detection accuracy makes this sensor ideal for high performance industrial doors, vehicle flow safety, perimeter protection and variety of applications.

The webinar covers:

  • Product overview
  • Technology & Applications
  • Technical Specs

BEA’s MAGIC SWITCH RESTROOM KITS utilize microwave technology to provide a reliable touchless activation and locking solution for single-occupancy restrooms, promoting germ-free, hassle-free accessibility without compromising privacy.

This webinar will cover:

  • Product overview & applications
  • Kit components
  • MS42 touchless actuator
  • Programming the BR3-X

BEA’s EAGLE ARTEK is a motion sensor for all types of automatic doors. Its slim and compact design ensures discreet integration for your application. It offers superior field performance with improved filters that help to reduce false detections that lead to increased energy costs.

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Sensor overview
  • EAGLE comparison
  • Technology
  • Specifications
  • Mounting & wiring
  • Field angle adjustments and field settings

BEA’s LZR-FLATSCAN S is a compact, single-curtain, LASER-based sensor designed for use on automatic industrial doors, gates, and barriers. Its precise technology ensures accurate object detection across the 18 ft × 18 ft field, making it capable of sensing people and vehicles, in both indoor and outdoor environments.

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Product overview
  • Technical specs
  • Applications
  • Installation
  • Programming
See all our products

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