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BEA Trainings

Sensor Integration School

Sensor Integration School is a comprehensive, hands-on training program designed to educate technicians on the integration of BEA sensors and devices with automatic doors. The program takes place in BEA’s state-of-the-art training school.

2025 Sensor Integration schedule now available. Inquire today!

In 2014, BEA opened its Sensor Integration School, a comprehensive, hands-on training program designed to educate technicians on the integration of BEA sensors and devices with automatic doors. Fast forward to 2024, this innovative program has been restructured to better meet the changing demands of the industry and the evolution of BEA products.

This course provides a diverse range of training exercises on pedestrian swing and slide door sensors. Individuals will travel to our Pittsburgh office for a two-day, hands-on training course taught by BEA’s highly skilled technical team. They will learn how our products work, the proper applications to use them in, and how to install/troubleshoot them in the field. BEA has partnered with key door manufacturers throughout the industry and training takes place on actual doors in “real-world scenarios”.

BEA’s Sensor integration School is provided at our Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania location. Be sure to inquire about a class below or contact our Training Team at [email protected].

Requirements to Attend

We require that your technician has been trained in, and understands all of the following:

  • AC vs DC Voltage
  • How to use a multimeter
  • N.O. vs N.C. relays and how they work


Day 1 – Sliding Door Sensors 9AM-4PM (Lunch will be provided)

  • IXIO

Day 2 – Swing Door Sensors 9AM – 4PM (Lunch will be provided)



Pittsburgh Airport Marriott*
777 Aten Road
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412-490-6604
Contact: Michelle Ciaramella | Business Travel Sales Manager
Email: [email protected]

*Be sure ask for the BEA Training Rate that has been negotiated with the hotel ($149 Plus Applicable Tax) when calling. Rates include a full breakfast buffet and shuttle service available to and from Airport/Hotel.

Upcoming Schedule
  • Tuesday, April 8, Wednesday, April 9,
    9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday, June 10, Wednesday, June 11,
    9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday, August 12, Wednesday, August 13,
    9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday, October 14, Wednesday, October 15,
    9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday, December 2, Wednesday, December 3,
    9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
need more information? Contact Us

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